16 Powerful Productivity Resources for Executives

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As an executive, one of the primary challenges you face is how to prioritize your time. The 

ability to overcome this challenge can be the difference between taking your team and career to the next level or being sucked into the never-ending hurricane of emails and “got-a-minute” meetings. 

To help you stay on track and work smart, below are 16 productivity resources for executives: 

1. Evernote – This is the gold standard when it comes to keeping track of everything from miscellaneous notes to projects and tasks. Learn more at Evernote.com. 

2. Slack – As a messaging app for teams, slack can help you streamline chats, emails, and team communication. 

3. 15Five – This employee engagement software gives you a well-organized weekly snapshot of your team’s work. 

4. Concur – Track business expenses on the go with this streamlined platform.  

5. OmniFocusKeep track of tasks by product, place, person, or date, and be notified of upcoming deadlines. 

6. Totango – How much time do you spend assessing how clients use your products and services? Totango’s summarized “Health Score” can quickly give you insight into what clients are using and how they’re using it. 

7. FlashBooks – You already know knowledge is power. FlashBooks can help you read your business and personal development books in a flash. Think Cliff Notes for professionals.  

8. Psychological Tricks – Read Kathleen Wong’s Mashable article on six psychological tricks to be more productive. 

9. Coffitivity – Did you know it’s been proven that white noise helps people work more productively? Coffitivity is a free online tool with various cafe background noises. You can use it online or download the app. 

10. KanbanFlow – This online project management tool can boost your personal and team productivity by helping you simplify even complex projects. 

11. Unroll.me – Manage your email subscriptions with one tool. Unroll.me allows you to quickly unsubscribe all at once while ensuring you don’t miss out on important notifications. 

12. FeedlyOrganize, read, and share the business content and blogs that matter most to you. 

13. Crush it – Review the basics, and learn new productivity strategies in Natalie Walters’ Business Insider article, “17 easy productivity hacks that will help you crush it in 2016.” 

14. Steve Tobak – Check out Steve Tobak’s philosophy on the secret to productivity and the simple system he uses. 

15. Seth Godin – Seth Godin, one of the brightest minds in business, shares the essence of productivity and avoiding productivity whining in this interview with Matt Perman: 

16. Executive Coaching – Need one-on-one guidance or more productivity resources for executives? If you would like to create a productivity plan custom-tailored for you, schedule a free consultation today! 

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Dr. Alex Ledgister is not your typical “Success Coach.” The former Marine who holds a Ph.D.

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