How Can the Law of Attraction Help Me in Sports? 

I recently read about a study researching the influence visualization has on an athlete’s performance. The article, Effect of mental practice on the development of a certain motor skill , by Professor L.V. Clark, who tried to determine the effect visualization had on athletic performance.  He studied two groups of high school basketball players of […]

Financial Planning and the Law of Attraction 

Richard J. Kransey recently wrote a great article entitled, “The New Law of Attraction in Financial Planning.” In it, he stresses the importance of using your passion and purpose to guide your financial planning, and I couldn’t agree more.  When you are standing at the beginning of any goal setting — whether it’s financial planning […]

Take a Passion Quest to Live “On Purpose” 

Living Life On Purpose is not always easy. We’re sometimes so bogged down by what we have to do that we forget to look at what we love to do.  Because passion and purpose go hand in hand, we want to continually pursue and identify what excites us. Several times a week, consider going on […]

How Can I Get the Most Out of Living My Life On Purpose? 

How do you get the most out of living your life on purpose? You do what matters most to you. (Oftentimes, life’s most simple questions have the most simple answers.)  The truth is, most people do not choose their life purpose — they merely choose a career. This is mainly for status in society: “If […]

Why Should I Live a Life of Purpose?

Why Should I Live a Life of Purpose?  Some people believe that life is meant to be endured, not enjoyed. They believe you take a job to be financially stable, not to do what you enjoy. For them, we’re all here to fulfill a purpose, but it’s a very small one. How do you talk […]

5 Questions to Ask to Discover Your Life’s Purpose 

Finding your purpose can be an intensive process, but it can also be eye-opening and life-changing. Here are some of the questions I ask my clients when they come to me seeking advice on determining their purpose.  1) What are some of the things that excite you about your past?  Close your eyes and visualize […]

How Do I Find My Life’s Purpose? 

When it comes to finding your life’s purpose, every person is different. Some people inherently know their purpose, but they’re not sure how to really get it going. There might be something in their lives that brings them joy, but for some reason or another, they haven’t been able to get on the path to […]

How Can I Face the Fears That Have Stopped Me From Living On Purpose? 

Fears are emotions that are born from our thoughts. When you think something, you feel an emotion. The more you dwell on that thought, the more angry, happy, etc. you feel. Thoughts come from the inner chatter within our minds that we contemplate either consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, the best way to deal with this […]

Can You Find Your Purpose Amidst Life’s Trials and Tribulations?

If you can’t tell already, I’m a very optimistic person. I choose to view the glass as half full, not half empty. I believe that if we come across an undesirable experience or setback, it is our job to find the lesson hidden in it, and utilize it to our advantage.  Let’s look at my […]

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