3 Ways to Advance Your Career in 2022

If one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2022 was to advance your career, why wait any 

longer? January is the perfect time to get the ball rolling. Whether you are looking to advance your career for more money, more seniority, more recognition, more freedom, or all of the above, here are three ways that you can advance your career in 2016: 

1. Become a Thought Leader 

Instead of always going with the flow and waiting for others to share their insights, take the initiative by voicing your thoughts and sharing your unique knowledge. This could be in the form of blog posts and social media, or it could simply mean sharing your new ideas within the workplace. Many of us have ideas that could help our companies grow, but we keep them to ourselves for fear of looking incompetent. 

Begin building your thought leadership muscles by gaining as much knowledge as you can about a variety of subjects, develop your own insights, and then share those thoughts with those around you. 

Most thought leaders aren’t born that way. Thought leadership is a skill that must be cultivated with practice. The next time you have a great idea or insight you feel is valuable, share those thoughts with others. It can only contribute value to those around you and help build your reputation among your coworkers as a thought leader. The more you increase your own value, the easier it is advance your career as others see this value in you as well. 

2. Study Other Industries 

Most professionals in any given industry do things in a similar manner. Sure, there may be small nuances here and there when people apply their unique skill sets, but generally speaking, most people within certain industries go about things in the same manner. 

People are able to disrupt entire industries by simply applying effective strategies from other industries to their own. Imagine what you can do within your own company by applying a few helpful strategies from a completely unrelated industry. Every week, get your mind thinking outside the box by choosing a few other industries to read about. Are you in real estate? Spend some time reading about the retail, marketing, or health industries. How do they build their businesses? How do they increase their clientele? Nine times out of ten, you’ll discover some tips and tricks you can apply to your own profession in a fresh and unique way. 

This is an easy way to quickly increase your value, which can swiftly lead to career advancement. 

3. Get Connected 

Is there an industry “guru” or someone you look up to as a thought leader? Offer to take them out to lunch, or send them a $25 Starbucks gift card in advance asking if they’ll meet you for coffee. In a world where most people are looking to take, take, take, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to connect with people if you are the one giving first. 

Give yourself a goal of meeting with one new person each week. This is a quick and easy way to build your network, which, as we all know, is an excellent way to advance your career. Having a valuable network not only increases your own personal value but can lead to the next big project or valuable team member you have been looking for. 

What you’ll notice about the above three steps is that they are focused on increasing your own value and being of service to others. Thinking about the value you can give to others as opposed to “What can I get?” is hands down the fastest way to advance your career and set yourself apart. 

If you are looking for a personalized, step-by-step action plan to advance your career in 2022, schedule a free consultation today. Whether you are the CEO of a startup or a senior executive with your company, we will craft a strategic plan to quickly put you en route to the career you deserve. 

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