Grit plays a huge role in what makes people successful. It’s not just serendipity, planning, goal setting, or the Law of Attraction. We can’t just want something. We have to work for these things. It takes grit and tenacity.
Some people are born with gifts that they don’t take advantage of because they don’t have grit while others with far less talent can become immensely successful because of grit. I know people in MENSA (the genius organization) who should be scientists or successful business owners, but aren’t. I know people who have the physique to be a great athlete, but they aren’t. I know people who constantly have brilliant ideas who should be entrepreneurs, but they aren’t.
I love training MMA style.
What’s missing? Grit. The drive, the passion, the laser focus on their goals, and the willingness to work as hard and as long as it takes to reach it.
To have grit, you must be extremely passionate about what you do. Having this passion is what makes you put in the extra time and effort others may not be doing, even when the others are «supposed to» be more successful.
I often watch the TV show, The Ultimate Fighter, and I’ve noticed that the fighters who do well are the ones who stay behind at night and keep training and practicing. They’re the ones who are passionate about what they’re doing. The fighters who don’t do well are the ones who put in the required number of hours, and then go home.
If you can find your passion and direct your energies and efforts toward achieving those goals, you’ll find that inner tenacity to work around obstacles to be successful.
Talk to anyone who displays that grit, and you’ll learn they have an inner reason why they’re trying to accomplish their goals and truly giving it their all. There are as many different motivators as there are people. Some say it’s money, others might do it for family, and still others do it because it’s been their childhood dream. Whatever it is, they take that reason, and harness it to do their work.
Just like everything else in life, it is important to remain balanced, even when you’re pursuing your passion. While the pursuit of your goals and dreams are essential, it’s even more important that you don’t neglect the important things in your life, the things that make you happy, like your family and friends.
In my own life, I worked overseas for a few years as a way to make more money and to benefit my children. The problem was, I wasn’t with them enough, so I missed them, I missed my dogs, and I missed everything at home that made me happy. I had to make sure I balanced my work with my personal life, which meant coming home as often as I could, as well as finally returning home to stay, so I could spend my days in the place I love.
Find your passion, and start to harness your energy and grit to accomplish the goals you have, but don’t lose sight of who you’re doing it for and why you’re working so hard.