Create a Magnificent Now!
In 2006 a self—help video titled The Secret, took the world by storm when it introduced The Law of Attraction (LOA) as a way to ramp up the success meter for health, wealth and happiness. According to the video, for centuries the elite or people in power had carefully hidden this powerful universal law from the general public. They reasoned that if everyone discovered how to manifest their ultimate potential, the top of the mountain would soon become overpopulated.
Apparently the elite had nothing to worry about. Although the video was compelling enough for many people to watch multiple times to the point of memorizing portions of the script, several years later they were still asking why this magical law didn’t seem to be working for them. No large homes, expensive vehicles, clothes, jewelry, yachts—just life as usual.
In his book, Create a Magnificent NOW! Tap into Your Power Within by Using THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, “Coach Alex” points out that even though the marketplace has been flooded with corrective manuals delivering detailed instructions for making the LOA work under any and all circumstances, none of these products have ever actually gone to the source of the issue to detect the missing ingredient.
Create a Magnificent NOW! Is the first book about The Law of Attraction that presents a fail—safe solution for achieving optimal health, wealth and self—fulfillment. In Part I, “Coach Alex” reveals what he believes is the real “secret” behind powerful manifestation. By embracing this “secret” and making it the cornerstone of the LOA process, Coach Alex believes that anyone can manifest whatever they desire as long as the end result will never harm anyone else.
Coach Alex also introduces the reader to the other 11 Universal Laws, which are profoundly connected to The Law of Attraction. It is not enough to know just one of the universal laws, he points out. All 12 must be understood and practiced.
In Part II of Create a Magnificent NOW!, Coach Alex tells the reader exactly why his “secret” works, explaining in detail the reason for its guaranteed success.
He then proceeds to demonstrate how to successfully integrate it into the standard method for LOA manifestation by taking the reader through the step—by—step process.
With all the fundamentals clearly explained, Coach Alex then discusses in Part Three specific ways the LOA can help: 1) Manifest your life purpose, 2) Achieve optimal health, manage your weight and release addictions, 3)build your business and optimize your career, and 4) strengthen your personal, social and professional relationships. This is the meat and potatoes of the book. Coach Alex cites numerous examples of potential issues that could obstruct successful implementation of the LOA, and shows the reader how to use his “secret” to break through these obstacles.
By the time the reader reaches the end of this chapter, they should be able to confidently answer a number of important questions regarding their life purpose and goals. They should also be able to write a mission statement and describe the areas in their lives that need closer examination.
The fourth part of Create a Magnificent NOW! Removes the fairy dust from the LOA and its practices of meditation, visualization and manifestation. Coach Alex points out that magic is nothing more than physical laws scientifically explained. By citing numerous laboratory studies based on the work of some of the world’s most trusted scientists, he provides measurable validation of the efficacy of the LOA through the new science of Neuroplasticity.
These studies also explain exactly why the LOA works.
For the first time in the history of modern man, through actual demonstrations of the Law of Attraction, Neuroplasticity builds a bridge between science and metaphysics. Skeptics who scorned the Law of Attraction as a New Age fad will think twice after studying the findings of these prestigious scientists. These studies confirm what ancient mystics and spiritual teachers have always known: unquestionably the LOA has the ability to improve the quality of any person’s life. The mind—body connection is far more powerful than traditional medicine is willing to admit.
In Part Five, Coach Alex delves into some of the specific LOA issues and shows readers how to remove obstacles by implementing all the tools presented in this book. He also includes a Q & A chapter based on the most frequent questions asked during his seminars and client coaching sessions. In the Conclusion/Summary, Coach Alex presents a recap of the Law of Attraction in the form of a Glossary of Terms that serves as a handy reference guide.
Create a Magnificent NOW is a book about the Law of Attraction written by a professional life coach who personally used this universal law to jump—start his own life; in the process, discovering a “secret fail—safe method” for successful manifestation.