Use an Accountability Partner or Group to Live Your Life’s Purpose

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It’s extremely important to have a support group as you try to find your life’s purpose. Why? Because the journey is going to be hard! 

You know that if something is too good to be true, it probably isn’t. You have to put in time and sacrifice, and there is no better method of motivation than having somebody who believes in you and keeps you moving forward. 

As a life coach, I can speak for myself when I say that I see firsthand the benefits a support system can produce. Coaches in particular can be very useful and efficient with clients, and I love seeing their progress with each visit. But support can come in the form of a family member, a best friend, a co-worker, or a member of your church. Human beings are social beings. We need that touch, that relationship, and if we don’t have it, it’s extremely hard to accomplish our goals. 

Behind every successful person is a group of great people, cheering him or her on. Think about the network of Martin Luther King, Jr. and how he relied on them for support, advice, and encouragement. 

Or look at the 2008 presidential candidates: Obama had a renowned online-savvy network that connected him to the latest social networks, while McCain was behind the power curve and had to catch up. By being involved with Facebook and Twitter so early on, Obama was able to expand his reach and develop a successful campaign. And what else is a campaign if not a collection of people rallying behind you to get your to your goal, even if that goal is to be President of the United States? 

You want to be a doctor? Spending time with people who are satisfied with working at a fast food restaurant will not serve you to achieve your goal, because they won’t hold you accountable. Instead spend a good portion of your time with people who also want to be doctors, as you’ll develop a camaraderie and push each other to stay focused. Find the people who do what you want to do, and hang out with them. 

Like we talked about in past entries, it is so easy to get off track. Some might criticize you because they don’t have the passion or drive to do what you’re doing. Those people will only bring you down. A true accountability partner can remind you what your purpose is. 

Aim to hang out with people who uplift you and your ideas. 

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Dr. Alex Ledgister is not your typical “Success Coach.” The former Marine who holds a Ph.D.

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