What Are Some Different Areas for Self-Development? 

Inspired by the fresh start of the new year, many people have asked me to give them some direction on where to focus their self-development. It’s great that you want to start taking steps toward reaching your dreams, but at times, this can be overwhelming. Here are a few places you can start:  Awareness  If […]

What is The Warrior Mindset? 

Have you ever given much “thought” with regard to what your thoughts are, where they come from or the power they have in molding and shaping your life? When we think positive thoughts, we are stronger and more effective than when we think negative thoughts. When we are positive, our brain operates at maximum efficiency.  […]

Unleash Your Inner Wisdom 

Center Pointe Research Institute Director Bill Harris once said, “Mastery of life is all about awareness.” Harris was referring to the ability to become self-aware of our thoughts by reflecting and meditating. Thus, increasing our wisdom-related knowledge in order to live a more holistic and productive life. In “Intellectual Versus Wisdom Related Knowledge: The case […]

Avoid Getting Angry 

Through conscious awareness we are able to notice and observe our mental chatter. In “How to avoid the onset of anger” by ancient philosopher Seneca, we can find a list of reasons for avoiding anger. Most importantly, it seems like he is inviting us to consider self-awareness as a tool to avoid or neutralize the […]

Aligning Yourself With Your Purpose 

It’s not always easy to align yourself with your purpose. Doing it means living the life and doing the things that all work toward your purpose. If you have a limited amount of time to pursue your passion, you don’t want to take up that time with things that don’t help you. If you want […]

Even Life Coaches Get The Blues

A lot of growth and change has taken place in my life, which meant I had to take some time away from my passion and life purpose. But as I said in last week’s blog post, this happens to everyone once in a while, even life coaches.  I went through a divorce in 2011 and […]

Finding Your Purpose

Your purpose in life is the reason you’re here. It’s the thing you strive for, the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. It’s the thing you love to do. It’s either what you wish you got paid for, or what you worked hard to get paid to do.  Unfortunately, many people […]

The Mind-Body Connection 

Have you ever felt sick to your stomach when you hear bad news about a loved one? Or felt that squishy feeling when you see the love of your life? Or the paralysis that comes in a moment of terror? These are examples of the mind-body connection.  The mind-body connection is very real and important […]

Making The Connection Between Mind, Spirit and Body During Injuries 

Negative thoughts can be toxic. They affect the connection between universal intelligence and us. These negative thoughts can be even more prevalent and pressing when you are suffering from a bodily injury. If you are not present and aware of your thoughts during this time, it’s easy to get depressed. But awareness can not only […]